Graphics by Kate Francisco
We often forget that the voices of characters within video games are voice actors who carry a varying degree of connection towards it. Some voice actors connect intimately with the character, bringing surprising amounts of depth and realism. However, some voice actors are on the opposite side of that spectrum, where they least connect to their characters. Either way, one thing is certain: the voice actors are not the characters they portray.
While this might be obvious at a glance, many fans from different games and genres (specifically hardcore ones) correlate the character and their voice actor in varying degrees of intensity. Genshin Impact, for instance, is a popular example of which fans try to push the personas of in-game characters in tandem with their voice actors. Some fans even went to the extreme as they harassed and bullied voice actors whose character's personalities or actions do not coincide with their narrow perspective. These made many voice actors (specifically popular ones) wary of the persona they presented to the general audience. Unfortunately, many fans easily overlook the situation and twist countless narratives against them, all to sate and suit their perfect fantasy.
More times than not, these fanatic supporters of these characters create unnecessary drama between the character themselves and their voice actors, often publicizing nonsensical, opinionated fantasies that stir irrelevant problems in society and various gaming communities. While there are times when voice actors are in the wrong, they get harassed because the fans disapprove of their character portrayal. And harassment is not a way to send messages to the developers and writers to make changes to the character.
It is sad to see how many talents are trying their best to play a role they were given, only to be stained by an uneventful circumstance. Since voice acting is now observed with greater prejudice, it's no surprise that everyone must take cautious steps to make sure that the character and its voice actor must always maintain a healthy common ground with each other. With such greater degrees in viewing the perspective nowadays when it comes to storytelling, the impact of voice acting is no small feat. Thus, we ought to keep daydreams to ourselves and remember to recognize which is which.
After all, there is no greater danger when one confuses fantasy and realism.